One of the downsides of Kodi addons is that they eventually get shut down, which means that an add-on that works one day, will probably stop being available at some point. This happened to Zen Kodi addon, which was a very popular option for a while. Thankfully, we then got Elysium, a Kodi addon that offers a similar functionality. It allows you to enjoy a great deal of multimedia content that y
Different ways to download Elysium Kodi Addon on Kodi Player
We will go through the tow methods that you can try in order to download and install Elysium, which is based on Zen. At the moment, the addon is available from Noobs and Nerds Repository. Before we start, keep in mind that Elysium is a third-party addon. This means that it is not supported by the Kodi team. You won’t be able to contact Kodi developers with queries about Elysium.
While Elysium is a popular Kodi addon that gives you the chance to access TV shows, movies and more, it is important to protect your security and privacy when you use this and other unofficial addons. Your ISP is able to monitor your online activities, including the content that you access. If you want to be able to stream content privately, you need a VPN. ou will be able to enjoy on Kodi. In this guide, we will take a look a the steps required to get Elysium on Kodi 17.6 and Kodi Player series.
It is important that you take steps to protect your online privacy in any case, but this becomes particularly important for Kodi users. If you choose to access content via Elysium and similar addons, you need to assume the risks as these addons may offer content that is not authorized by copyright holders. By accessing copyrighted content via Kodi addons, you are exposing yourself to warning letters or even fines. You can avoid these issues by using legitimate streaming services, or you can at least add protection to your online traffic by using a VPN.
When you connect to a VPN, your traffic is encrypted, which prevents others from seeing what you are doing online. In addition, your IP address is disguised, so others won’t be able to trace you. All your activities remain private and you can browse, stream, download content, or play games without exposing your identity. It is a solution to enjoy privacy and a layer of anonymity. In addition, you can overcome online restrictions by connecting to VPN servers in different locations. We recommend reliable choices like ExpressVPN, PIA, NordVPN and IPVanish. They are ideal for Kodi thanks to the fast speeds that they offer for streaming. In addition, they protect your traffic with high encryption and they don’t keep logs of your connection.
1. Launch Kodi 17.6
2. Choose Package Installer from the Top of the screen
3. Continue with Install from Zip file
4. Go to the Noobs and Nerds Repo and choose OK
5. Allow some time for Addon Enabled Notification of Noobs and Nerds Repository
6. After getting the Addon Enabled Notification of Noobs and Nerds Repository, go to Install from Repository.
7. Select Noobs and Nerds Repo and open it
8. Go to Video Addons
9. Look for Elysium Kodi Addon
10. Allow some time for the Addon Enabled Notification of Elysium Kodi Addon to appear.
11. When you get the Addon Enabled Notification of Elysium, you will know that it is ready to be used on Kodi 17.6 and other Kodi Krypton series.
How to install Elysium Addon on Kodi
There is another method that you can try, in case the above method doesn’t work for you. This solution works for Kodi Krypton series and also for Kodi Jarvis series including Jarvis 16.1.
1. Open Kodi Player
2. Select Settings icon and then select File Manager
3. Continue with Add Source
4. You will see the Add file source pop-up and select None.
5. Enter the path and then rename it as Noobs Repo.
6. Click OK
7. Then go to Install from Zip file option. You will be able to find the file that has been created in the previous step.
8. Select that and then Install the latest Noobs Repo.
9. Go to Install from Repository
10. Launch Noobs and Nerds Repository
11. Go to Video Addons
12. Find Elysium Kodi Addon from the list and select Install
13. Allow some time for Addon Enabled Notification of Elysium Kodi Addon on Kodi Player
Elysium Art Work
This is an additional addon related to Elysium Kodi Addon and it allows you to customize ELysium Addon. Here are the steps to download Elysium Artwork on Kodi Player. The addon is available in Noobs and Nerds Repository.
1. Go to Program Addons of Noobs and Nerds Repo
2. Search for ELysium Artwork and select Install
3. After getting the Addon Enabled Notification, then you can use it with Elysium Kodi Addon.