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How to create Add-on Shortcuts Confluence Skin Kodi

In this simple guide, you will learn how to create shortcuts to access your favorite Kodi add-ons on your home screen, using the Confluence skin.

1. Open Kodi

2. Select SYSTEM

3. Select Appearance

4. Now choose Skin, followed by Settings

5. Select Add-On Shortcuts

In this screen, you can select which sub menu you want the add-on shortcuts to appear. It is possible to select from Video, Music or Program. Once you make a selection, you will be able to choose the add-on that you want to use as a shortcut on the home screen. Then, you will be sent back to the previous screen. The add-on that you selected will be set as Add-on 1. If you go back to the home screen, you will see a shortcut to that add-on. It is possible to repeat the process adding 5 shortcuts to each sub menu. This will allow you to add your favorite add-ons so that you can access them faster.