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Step by Step Fix to WiFi Connected but No Internet Access Error

WiFi Connected but No Internet Access Error

One of the most confusing errors you could get is the WiFi connected but no internet access error. This error could be due to your operating system settings or router issues/problems. Getting this kind of error could sometimes be frustrating and dreadful. We totally understand this which is why through this article, we shall provide … Read more

Best VPN to Unblock ClipMega (YouPak)

unblock clipmega

Formally known as YouPak, ClipMega is Pakistani version of YouTube. With Pakistan banning YouTube due to a controversial video, it is very frustrating especially if you enjoy watching decent videos on YouTube and ClipMega. Do not fret as even when you are traveling or living abroad, you will still be able to access ClipMega through … Read more

Best VPN for T-Mobile

vpn for tmobile

Based in Bonn, Germany, T-Mobile is an international telecom and it is the 7th largest mobile phone provider worldwide. They have offices and stores in about 50 countries all over the world and is said to be worth over 76 billion USD. T-Mobile has gained its popularity due to their offer of paying off old … Read more

Best VPN for New Jersey

new jersey vpn

An eastern coastal state found at the boarders of New York and Pennsylvania, USA, New Jersey is considered as the 4th smallest states in the whole country. They are the 11th most populated state with about 9 million people residing. New Jersey has been called different ways but the most popular name that it has … Read more

Best VPN for Pornhub

pornhub logo

Pornhub is a popular platform where one could find and watch adult content. This site is considered as the 27th most popular website in the world according to Alexa rankings. Their site offers a signing up option for their premium content and they also some content that are for free as well. When you are … Read more

Best VPN for OkCupid

vpn for okcupid

Launched in 2004, popular dating website, OkCupid is known as a social networking and friendship site where numerous users find and meet friends and special someone. This site uses multiple choice type of questionnaires which are used to match individuals who their system would think as compatible. For this site to continue its operations, advertisements … Read more

Best VPN for WeChat

wechat vpn

WeChat is the most popular messaging app that has gotten approval from the Chinese government to operate in China. The reason behind this is because WeChat has agreed to censor and monitor all of their subscribers’ activities on the app. Hence, it is very important for their users to practice extreme caution when sending messages. … Read more

Best VPN for Bumble

Bumble dating

A mobile dating app, Bumble has about millions of users and profiles. It is similar to other dating apps wherein you will need to swipe left or right on each profile depending on your preference. Though it has many similarities its users are enjoying some unique features that most dating apps do not have. Unfortunately, … Read more

Best VPN for Free Internet

Online freedom is threatened every day as government agencies, large corporations, media services and local networks place restrictions on the content that we can get access to. Censorship and geo-blocks prevent internet users from enjoying all the content that they want, and the problem is not only affecting those who live in countries where oppressive … Read more

How to Watch Cobra Kai Season 2 Online

Cobra Kai season 1 has been a huge success with its numerous viewers. With it making a noise and with it being talked about, many are starting to become more and more curious. Now that Cobra Kai is on its second season, everyone is on their toes just to watch its episodes as soon as … Read more